What If?
What If?
What if you were not favored by
The gift of life that let you see?
Out wandering past with hoards that fly
On toward a dark eternity?
How infinite the kindness shown,
That where the dead now march in step,
Your place is void, to Jesus flown
On wings of love and thankfulness.
When justice sought us, deep with stains,
With frightful vengeance to require,
He poured a ransom from His veins,
And bled until each claim retired.
From thence to wait beside the way,
Where once those hellish paths we traced,
To touch His chosen ones astray
With sight, and light, and life and grace….
Perhaps your burdens leave you crazed,
And grieve your spirit with their care.
Remember this, dear saint, and praise;
The Lord has saved, the Lord is there.
As all that come, this day shall prove
The Lord abides your painful way;
There living in the yoke with you
Is He Who leads to perfect day.
That mercy’s reign its sceptre swayed
Within your heart with grace to find
The chains of guilt and hell give way,
Bids lesser fears your faith refine.
Your sins are cast to mercy’s sea,
You’re lifted from the blinded horde;
Despite all torments of your grief
Are reconciled unto the Lord.
The pain you bear within your breast,
Who’s troubled waters rock the ark,
Will seem as nothing when the rest
Of God fills your now burdened heart.
Adopted from the eternal mind,
Your guilt removed by firm decree;
Now naught can shake its sway in time,
In Christ to God as near as He.
Your hastening future tarries not,
Afore it to take you by the hand,
And guide you to bright Canan’s lot,
Lift up your praise while faith still can.
For soon you’ll touch the glorious hope,
And faith relinquish its domain,
To hold all that His promise wrote ,
All pain forgot, all glory gained.
Charles Church 9/17/2022 8:22 AM