Winter Lake

Our friend he visits every year,
About three months each time.
He stays a while then disappears,
And leaves like clock-work chime.

Always serene, sometimes austere,
He quietly inspires
The scenes of life with solemn cheer,
Then stealthily retires.

The fields and fens his parting know,
And wait his grave return.
Much like a wise old man will grow
Fond in his hearers learned.

And its as though he oft forgets
Some item of his case.
Briefly returning e’re he gets
Full gone back to his chase.

But we await him every year,
N’er disappointed we.
And come the season shall appearĀ 
His dear solemnity.

Charles Church, 5/14/2022
(Conceived on a snow drive with Bonnie, Winter 2022)