Oh heaven hear the groans and sighs
Poured out from burdened saints;
Their speechless prayer from swollen eyes,
Through faintness to Thy strength.
The evil spilling o’er the brim
Of law and all restraint,
Has worn their wearied outrage thin,
Perplexed and broke Your saints.
The desecrations reigning here
Combine to break a prayer
From wholeness into broken tears,
Distilled by heaven’s care.
Yet lives unbroken, steeled & keen,
The faith that yet You Reign;
They bold rejoice e’re it be seen,
Who’s faith has promise gained.
The happy souls once saved from wrath,
That now breath heaven’s air,
Won’t blame, but praise, the troubled path
That led them safely there.
Their fretting all along the way
In glory raise a blush;
Let us then praise within the fray,
While here, and beat the rush.
What now rejoices us by faith,
With them, soon will by sight;
There glorify unwearied grace
In floods of endless light.
Our weak and feeble fits of praise,
There from its troubles weaned….
As winter grows to verdant May,
We’ll worship as we dreamed.
The cup of dark astonishment
Your hand has made us sup,
Has softened they to whom was sent,
But hardened the corrupt.
But then when all the good is gleaned,
And mortified our pride,
Oh hear the cry and send the stream
Of justice for Your bride.
And crush the wicked by Your hands
Their tyranny forgot;
And bless thy suffering little band
In Cannan’s happy lot.
And while we know it hastens on,
And, knowing, we rejoice
Yet so much more when day shall dawn,
Till then, our prayerful voice.
Till then as well thy truth foretell
To lawless blinded man.
Their triumph is delusion, Well
Shall it be for thy clan.
Charles Church, 5/26/2022