Interaction with Owen Strachan on “Legalism”

puritan meeting

A Recent “Twitter” Exchange with Owen Strachan on the Subject of “Legalism”.

Mr. Strachan had made the following comment on his Twitter (X) account:

“Don’t think for a hot minute that legalism is better than lawlessness–legalism is of the devil just as lawlessness is of the devil.”

I responded with the meme above. Mr. Strachan replied as follows:


“Friend, there are indeed many practices of the past that we don’t observe today. It’s important to remember that just because our “Reformed ancestors” did something, that doesn’t mean we must do it. Our “Reformed ancestors” help us see that we must measure everything by Scripture.

Sadly, legalism gets smuggled into the church today through this kind of approach. “If the Puritans did it, we must do it!” is the argument. We revere and learn much from the Puritans (and Reformers), but they are not equivalent to Scripture. They never can be. Only Scripture is Scripture. Only Scripture has the power to bind the conscience. Nothing else does.

The book of Galatians is so good on legalism. I encourage you to read it and really grapple with it. Legalism is a subtle trap of Satan. It binds us where we are meant to have freedom. Breathe the fresh air of the gospel, friend!”
